Wednesday, January 12, 2011

39 weeks

So I had my 39 week appointment this week and there is no change. Georgia is still not wanting to come out yet. I have until Tuesday, and if she hasn't come yet, we will have to schedule an induction. I really don't want to be induced, but I do want my baby. There is supposed to be a full moon next week, maybe she will come then. Robert and I are getting restless...we can't wait to meet her and hold her in our arms.
We have tried all of the home remedies to induce labor, but they have not worked yet. Hopefully she will just decide that she is ready to make an entrance into this world.
By the way, I finally got the videos on the previous blog to work. You can see Georgia moving.


  1. You should get a prenatal massage. Apparently there are certain spots that can induce labor!

  2. I have gotten a couple, and a pedicure. They didn't help.
