Thursday, May 26, 2011

4 Months

Georgia had her 4 month checkup yesterday. She weighs 11 lbs 10 ounces(20%), is 25 inches long(75%), and her head circumference is 25% percentile. She is gaining weight well now and has moved from below the 10% to now the 20%. She is eating well with me, but ironically won't take a bottle now. I worked so hard to get her to breastfeed and now she won't take a bottle. I love all the extra time I get to spend with her, but it means I can't leave her for longer than 2 hours.
Georgia had more shots yesterday which are never fun. She was very fussy the rest of the day and did not nap well. She has started taking long naps on some days, but other days does not nap more than 15 minutes at a time. She is sleeping through the night most nights giving Robert and me an hour of alone time. She still is having a hard time being away from me, but is getting better. She will smile more at people and likes a few of the nursery workers at church and the YMCA. Georgia loves kisses from mommy and laughs so hard when mommy gives her lots of kisses at once
Developmentally Georgia has had a big month. She found her feet and plays with them now. She is intentionally kicking and grabbing toys on her activity mat and likes her exersaucer. She still is not big enough to sit in it, so I have books and blankets under it so her feet touch. The cloth diapers are limiting her a little developmentally, but I am trying to work through that. She can not roll over in the cloth diapers, but can in the disposable. She can not lift her legs or find her feet in the cloth diapers, so I try to have them really loose during part of the day. Her saliva is changing which is sign of her being ready for baby foods. We will try cereal in the next few days.
We left Georgia Grace with my parents for the first time this month. We were going to a wedding and could not take her. I kept telling my mom that I didn't think she would do well and was worried. My mom was not worried and thought everything would be fine, boy was she wrong. Georgia would not take her bottle and cried most of the time. I am pretty sure my parents, at least my dad, were glad to see us go the next day. They had enough Georgia time for awhile.
Her nicknames are princess, missy, sweetpea, little girl, and little bit

A new toy! My Feet!

Happy girl

We took Georgia swimming for the first time last week. I thought she would love it since my nephew did. She was more interested in watching the people there. It was an indoor poor so everyone's voices echoed. Georgia already loves to watch people, and this was no exception. Hopefully she will like swimming more by July when we go to the beach with my family.

Cutie in her suit

watching the other kids

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