Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Week 2

So it has been two weeks, wow. I think I am getting the hang of all of this. Last night as Robert and I were laying in bed, I was amazed that just two weeks ago we were in the hospital waiting for our precious little girl. I still get very emotional just thinking about how much I love her and how lucky I am to have her. As we cuddle on the couch, I just stare at her. She makes the cutest faces. I want to catch them on video, but I never can in time. She also is so cute when she stretches. It might sound weird but I even love her little cries, they are soooo cute. We don't have her two week appointment today, but I do know that she finally got up to her birth weight. Let's hope she doesn't drop anymore.
The other night we let our dog out ( a big doberman) in the family room to hangout with us. She finally noticed Georgia on my chest and was curious, but scared. She would come up and smell her and then run back to Robert to hide. She did this multiple times. It is funny to see a big doberman be scared of a little baby. I know she will warm up to her and soon love her.
Georgia is finally doing better sleeping in her cradle. Most of the time she still needs to fall asleep on mommy, but then will stay asleep the rest of the time in the cradle. She has learned to roll on her side. I will put her down on her back and she will roll over so she is sleeping on her side. I know she is not supposed to do this, but I can't stay up all night and watch her. I am amazed that she can do this already. Hopefully she will do gymnastics!!!

I wanted this pictures to show how strong Georgia is by already holding her head up.
Robert wanted this picture to show the cat staring at Georgia.
She has both of her legs on one side of her outfit

both legs in one pant leg

So sad, she does not like bath time yet. She will!!!

Robert and I love to build fires. We were so excited for Georgia's first fire.

Mommy and baby cuddling

I'm naked because the fire is keeping me warm

Here are some videos of Georgia stretching or just being cute and awake.


  1. You look fabulous. I can't believe she is holding her head up!!! She is going to kill you for the naked picture in 12 years, 11.5 months.
