Friday, August 5, 2011

Potty Time

My friend Blakeley is the one that got me into doing cloth diapers. One of the main reasons I wanted to do them is because I saw her son using the potty at 7 months old. I thought if she did that then I could do it too and have less time using diapers. Well it has worked!! Georgia will go potty when you put her on the potty. No, she can not hold her bladder yet, but she knows what to do when she is placed on there. I do not have to change many poop diapers. This will just help the process for when we really start training her. She will be used to it.

Now this is a video of her going pee in the toilet. I took it to prove to people that didn't believe me. We have been doing this since she was 5 months old. Hopefully we will be able to continue this until she is fully potty trained


  1. I'm so proud of her, and I LOVE that you videotaped your child's urine, Jules. Haha, one of the many reasons I love you!

  2. it wouldn't play for me. email it to me if you can

  3. I hope she doesn't run for political office or something similar where a video of her going to the bathroom will be damaging. I can't believe you videotaped it!
