Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Beach Trip

We have had a busy summer. We have been traveling to the lake with our small group, to Mississippi to see Robert's family, to Florida to see my family, and still have our trip to California for 2 weeks.This past week we went down to Watercolor,FL with my family. It is a really cool community, especially for young kids. My whole family was able to make it this time: mom, dad, Brian, Paul, Sharon, Ryan, Emma, and new little Miller. It was so much fun to see everyone and to meet my new nephew. We had a fun but tiring week. I am used to being around little kids, but still needed rest times after playing with Ryan and Emma. Brian was even more tired and would go outside and sit in the quiet to recuperate.
We went out to eat a few nights and took turns cooking the other nights. I made cute flip flop cookies for the kids with bright crawlers for the thong part(I forgot to take a picture). Ryan and Emma loved them. The were all eaten before the week was over and the kids we so sad. We had other desserts but they liked them the best. I went out and got stuff to make more. I didn't have my cookie cutter, so we made round cookies and called them beach balls. They were still a big hit.

Midway through the week we got a call about the activity on our credit card. Come to find out someone had tried to use the number to buy some stuff online. Robert had to use that card to hold his spot on the deep sea fishing trip, other than that we hadn't used the card. They tried to make the purchase the day after, coincidence, I think not. It is all ok we just got new cards.

So we have known that Georgia Grace is not an easy baby. She is very clingy and required a lot of attention. It was pointed out even more to me this past week when we saw how easy my nephew was. My oldest brother Paul didn't even hold Georgia until the 3rd day because he was afraid of making her cry. We love our little girl so much, but wish that she was easier at times.
I know this is Sharon's story to tell but I feel that I can share it too being a speech therapist. My nephew has apraxia which is motor planning problem disorder. He has trouble saying his sounds. He has recently gotten the "L" sound and is so proud. When he would mess and and say things like "Buzz Wightyear". Would would ask him, "Buzz Wightyear, or Lightyear?" and he would correct himself. One evening out on the porch, my dad was talking and said something about my mom being his wife. Ryan said, "No Bopa, not wife, Life. Put your tongue here and say life." What a cutie.

Emma does not have a speech disorder, just typical 2 year-old speech. She could not say Georgia's name. She called her "baby Gorga". It was pretty cute coming from her.

Mom with the two youngest grandkids, Georgia and Miller. Georgia is 2 months older, but don't they look like they are the same size.

We celebrated Paul's birthday while we were down there. We got Paul mint moonpies. Emma took them and held on to them all night. She sat in Bopa's lap and talked about them for a long time while Paul opened other gifts(or I should say while Ryan opened the gifts and then handed them to Paul).

Paul and the kids blowing out candles

Ryan eating his cake

Georgia and Emma had matching swim suit covers. So cute

No, not my baby. The newest Vraciu, Miller!!

Playing at the beach

relaxing in her beach chair

Fun times with Uncle Brian

You can't see her face here, but she has the biggest smile. She would run screaming from the waves and then run right back towards them.

One of the things I love most about the beach is eating and watching the ocean. This place was called the shrimp shack. They didn't have anything I wanted, but there was and airstream trailer across the street selling all different kinds of grilled cheese sandwiches. I was in heaven. I think my meal was better than everyone else.

A couple of times Robert and I took Miller to help Paul and Sharon out. It allowed them to be one-on-one with the kids, or have a kid free afternoon. Of course everyone thought that I had twins. They babies had fun swimming together and going for walks. It wasn't that bad, but I think it would be harder if Robert wasn't there to help me.

Fishing trip, Brian, Dad, and Robert. They caught our dinner for the night. The did not catch a shark. I guess I am still the winner.

A double catch on one line

Heading to the pool

Watercolor and the surrounding area had really fun events during the evening. One evening we took pizza and had dinner while we watch "How I became a Pirate". It is one of Ryan's favorite books. It was very cute and the kids loved it. During the program Ryan found a giant millipede. He placed it on Uncle Brian, where the millipede preceded to pee and poop. Georgia had spit up on him earlier in the day. Not a good day for uncle Brian.

The play

Day at the beach

Uncle Brian building sandcastles with Ryan. Robert was out there earlier. Brian used to love building sandcastles when he was younger. It was neat seeing him help Ryan.

I'm making Yo Gabba Gabba characters for Emma. I did not know there names only there colors. Getting a description from a two year old was not easy.

A perfect day at the beech

We had a big canopy that we set up for shade and to put the babies under it. Since I had Georgia in the shade the whole day, I didn't put sun screen on her this particular day. I did not know that the canopy wasn't fully SPF proof. Her little face got so burnt. Her little eyes were swollen.

She looks so sweet sleeping on the blanket.

All the other days we put sunscreen on her, kept her in the SPF proof shade and made her wear her hat and glasses. Robert and I think she looks like a little alien, a cute alien though.

Daddy and Georgia

We got the cutest picture of Robert and Georgia from the profession shots. I will post it when we get it.

Family shot one evening

Mom and Dad. Thank you for the wonderful trip. We had so much fun and created great memories.

Bopa with the 2 grandbabies

The kids are running around in there underwear and naked. Doesn't everybody wish they could do that. They had so much fun. I think Emma's bottom got a little itchy at the end of the night.

The last night Emma was in a clingy mood and wanted to sit in Paul's lap. The only way to keep her in her chair was to make funny faces. She was laughing so hard and would shout "again! again!" before I had finished the face. I wish we had gotten it on video. Last night
Having fun with mommy Trying to get sunset pictures along with everyone else there

They had so much fun together. Those Vracius just can't keep there close on. Miller in his diaper, Ryan in his underwear, and Emma naked.

Emma is wearing my Grandmothers dress. We are going to get a picture of Georgia in it when she is older too.

The last night someone decided to leave 20+ empty beer cases in our bike carrier


  1. love the beach pictures. love the 2 of you and georgia with your pink flower in your hair. you are so pretty. :) beer cans really. loosers. :) looks like a fun trip

  2. Julie--you look BEAUTIFUL in those pictures. Your hair has gotten so long!! Love it! Can't wait to see ya'll this weekend!
