Friday, March 25, 2011

2 months

Wow, time is sure flying by. I can't believe she is already 2 months old. I keep telling her to stop getting older but she isn't listening. We went for her 2 month check up and she weighs 8lbs 9.5 ounces (10%), is 22 inches long (50%), and her head is 25%. She is staying on the same growth track which is good, but we still hope she gains weight a little faster. She is getting so long that she is growing out of clothes in length but they are still way too big around her in her waist. We have been a little worried about reflux so we are starting a trial of medicine for one month. She does not like the medicine and I have to give it to her twice a day. She also had to get her shots, which was horrible. She screamed the entire rest of the day:(. Once I got her to sleep I did not move for 2 hours. I put pillows under my arms so not to move and waited for her next feeding time. This month was a big month. Georgia Grace went on her first road trip to Gigi and Bopa's house, first stay in a hotel for my continuing education, and had her first play date with Jasper, Jude, and Sage. She is enjoying playing on her activity mat more, mainly watching the lights. She still does not like to be down unless she is watching the lights and that is only sometimes. She hates having her diaper changed and getting out of the bath. When I say hate I mean she screams bloody murder. It is so sad, but there is nothing I can do about it. She has started sleeping more, sometimes through the night. She has still been sleeping in our room in the cradle, but we are about to move her into her crib. Everyday is a new day with us, still no routine. She does not like the same things every time. When she is crying I have to try everything to get her to calm down. It is just a guessing game to which way she wants to be held. I am looking forward to a routine so I can start to get more things done. We are still calling her Georgia Grace and Georgia. Her other nicknames are sweetpea, little bit, little girl, princess, and Missy.

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