Any one want a dog?
jk, I am not really giving her away yet. We may have to if the vets can't figure out the problem with her. The past few days have just been awful for me and
Zoey. It has been so hot here (101) that
Zoey can't go outside and play. She has so much energy that she needs to get out and it has been coming out in bad behaviors and annoying me. She threw up on my nice rug, peed at least 4 times in one day in the house(part of the issue with her), ate a baby bird, got bad diarrhea because she ate the bird and pooped in the house, on the rug, in her kennel, and tore a
paper towel roll to
pieces. I am so sick of this dog right now. I wish I could put her in time out. She knows what she is doing, but she is so
stubborn that I am having a hard time correcting her. Normally,
Zoey is such a great dog. Right now I just need a break.
So after I wrote this
Zoey again brought what I thought was a baby bird up on the deck. I ran out and she actually came towards me this time. I saw it and it was a baby mole. It was still alive and moving in her mouth. She would not drop it. I had to get a rock and pry it out of her mouth. Now the
poor thing is lying on my deck. I need Robert so bad and he is already in California :( Help!!!
After talking with a friend I am pretty sure it is actually a baby
opossum. I think they fell out of the mom's sack somehow. It is still creeping me out and I am afraid to let
Zoey outside.

oh crap that is crazy. when you told me about it i thought insane. that think is so tiny. i'm feeling a little sad for it's mama right now. man it's tiny. thanks for the perspective with the shovel