Robert had a work trip out in California this past month. We had been wanting to get out there and see family and explore the area. San Francisco is one of my favorite places and Robert had never been there. I wanted to see the city with him and see how much he would love it up there. We took the opportunity to do it when Robert was already out there and we only had to buy one plane ticket. Robert was working in Oxnard, about 60 miles north of L.A. I was driving up to 2 hours to go have lunch with friends. That is further than going to Nashville or Bham. It is just a different concept out there to spend hours in the car for a commute. Georgia and I flew in to L.A. on a Wednesday midday. We were supposed to go visit a friend from college, but I was in such a bad mood from traveling that we just headed up to the hotel to meet Robert. I am glad that we did because we sat in traffic for 2 hours, I forgot how bad it was.
Let me start at the beginning of our trip. Wednesday morning at 3 am Georgia woke up and wanted to eat. After I fed her I could not fall back asleep knowing my alarm was going to go off in 30 minutes. Once we got to the airport, I did not know how I was going to get all of my stuff to the gate. Most airports have curbside check in which would have been wonderful, but not Huntsville. So, I parked my car in long term parking and walked all the way up to the airport with Georgia strapped on to me, carrying her car seat and base, giant suitcase, and stroller. I was hoping I would see someone on the way in to help me, but not many people are at the airport at 5 am. I got there with no problems, but felt like I got the workout of a lifetime. We got to preboard the flight and luckily the flight was empty and we got a row to ourselves. Georgia was great the whole flight. We flew to Chicago (I don't know why, but it added 2 hours to the next flight, I was mad). I do not have good experiences with Chicago. We came in at the very last gate of one terminal and had to go to the end of another terminal in 20 minutes. We arrived at the gate, when I am supposed to be boarding to find out that I don't have a gate anymore. They said that our plane is there but they don't have a gate and we will just have to watch the tv monitors. I quickly use the bathroom and then check the monitors to find out that I am now at the very last gate of another terminal and my plane is not delayed which means that they are already boarding. We run over there and get on. The plane is over booked and of course I sit next to a large man. It sucked for him because he had Georgia kicking him when I would nurse her. She did great again on that flight, but 4 hours on a plane with a 6 month old is hard. All the people around us kept complimenting her on how good of a baby she was. A month before this we could not have done this. She has gotten so much better. It then took us 2 hours to get the rental car and another 2 hours to get to the hotel. I was exhausted and ready to crash.
All the toys I brought to keep Georgia happy while flying
After lunch we went down to have dinner with Meagan. We forgot to take a picture with her :(
We went to a cute Italian restaurant. Georgia loved the waiter. She would be fussing and he would come and talk to her, she would immediate stop and smile. Luca you are in luck, she seems to like the Italian stallions. What was funny about this restaurant was that the waiter wouldn't let me change any of the meals. All I wanted was plain pasta with cream sauce. He said momma wouldn't do that. Meagan and I kept trying to explain to him that I don't like meat in my pasta. Luckily I got my meal, he said momma wasn't in the kitchen when he placed my order.
On Saturday we drove up the coast to Santa Cruz. Robert really wanted to drive up the 1(pacific coast highway). It was pretty, but added at least an hour to our drive. We went to the boardwalk and had dinner with my family(Genevieve, Uncle Dave, Aunt Cathy, me, and Robert). Abby is already at college and Maggie was away on a retreat. We had a great dinner and rode a few rides at the boardwalk.
It was so cold at night. Georgia got her first cold on this trip. I think it was because of the cold nights and warm days. We had to buy the hats because it was sooo cold.
Just kidding it was parked
Yummm. I had a giant brownie sundae
I probably could finish this in 2-3 days
driving across the Golden Gate Bridge. We couldn't see anything, it was too foggy
On Wednesday we went to Muir woods. It was so pretty. Georgia loved it so much she fell asleep on me
Tried to capture how tall the trees were
I would hate for this tree to fall on my house
We stopped in the best place to get pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge. Isn't it pretty? We loved the view. Robert was so mad. He never got to see the bridge. We drove over to Sausalito and it was sunny there. It it weird how one side of the bridge can be sunny and the other foggy and cold.
On Thursday we went to my Grandpa's house. He is a WWII hero and loves to talk about his stories. I haven't heard them in a long time and Robert has never heard them. 4 hours was a long time of stories, but it was so good to see him. My grandfather has lived in his house for over 30 years and had furniture for longer. It is so cool to walk around and see the time warp. I love that nothing has changed.
A picture does not capture the wallpaper from back then

There are no lights in the ceiling. These are the lights

Johnny, Jack, Katie, Me, Georgia, Robert, and Uncle Brian
Georgia and Jack had so much fun talking to eachother. They would babble back and forth. I tried to upload a video of them talking. If Jack would turn away Georgia would hit the table and start talking almost saying, "Pay attention to me!"
On Saturday we drove to Napa and then over to Davis for a family cookout. Wine grapes are very small. It was pretty in Napa. I am not a big wine person, but I am glad I got to go.
View from a winery.
Brian and Robert at the first winery
The winery was tucked in the hill like a bunker
The second winery specialized in sparkelling wine. I ordered a tray, but only got a sip of each because Georgia was screaming.
This is all the kids playing. The girls loved Georgia and each wanted their own picture with her. At one point, they held on to her and then got up and dropped her like she was a doll. Georgia did not appreciate being trated like a doll.
Georgia"This feels rough"
I am so glad that everyone was able to come down and see us. Thank you
On the way back to Brian's Georgia was so tired. She was screaming so Robert gave her, Wally the water bottle, her new favorite toy. Georgia loves Wally and he can make her stop crying. She held on to him for the hour and half ride home.
Sunday we had breakfast with Uncle Brian and Keeley. They live in such a cool place that you can walk to meals and shopping. We walked to a cute little diner for brunch.
Thank you for opening your home to us and making so much time for us. We loved seeing y'all and spending so much specail time
Sunday was our last day before we headed back down to L.A. to leave. Robert really wanted to see the Golden Gate bridge, so we drove back into the city to see if it was clear enough. It was!!!!
Robert finally got his picture with the bridge
On the far left is the compost can, then the recycling. The small one on the right is the trash.
recycle, compost, landfill
Blakeley these pictures are for you!
The last day of our trip was in L.A. Robert really wanted to go to Pinks and get a hot dog. We waited about an hour. It was ok.
Jack and Georgia talking
WOW - what a jam-packed trip y'all had. Looks like it was a ton of fun and I'm glad Georgia is doing so well. I must say, I have laughed and laughed (out loud) about the picture of your rear with bird poop on it. Also laughing about some of your comments "not a smell I'd put in a candle." - you are hilarious. Glad y'all had so much fun :)