2 months ago I posted about Zoey catching and eating baby opossums. Well 2 weeks ago she caught the momma. Robert was giving Georgia a bath and I was down stairs with Zoey. Zoey started barking to go outside, so I put her out and went upstairs to feed Georgia and put her to bed. Robert came up a little while later and said Zoey was running around the yard with an opossum in her mouth. Robert chased her around until he caught her and made her drop the animal. We poked it and saw it was still alive, but playing dead. It got up and left an hour later. We wondered what happened to it. A few nights ago my neighbors told me they had found a dead opossum in their garage a few weeks ago. We are not sure, but think Zoey harmed the animal and it went off and died :(
Zoey is not the best dog and does not mind us very well, but she is good at catching animals.

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